
To be able to make this site and learn so much about essential oils and plants, there’s no way I could have done it all by myself.

I wanted to create this page so I could share my appreciation for those who have helped me, and encouraged me to be able to do something that I love.

First of all, I would like to thank Jan. Jan has taught me so much about essential oils, cream and cosmetic making and has been so supportive throughout the entire process, she is an absolute lifeline.

Check out her website on: Jan (

I want to thank Kat, my fantastic sister and fellow blogger who taught me how to make this entire site and explained what the really long words meant, and checked my spellings, and stopped me from constantly going off on tangents.

Check out her blog on: Kat (

And thank everyone else that has encouraged me and supported me and who also checked spellings (because it seems I’m really bad at that)

I really couldn’t have done this without any of you

Jo x